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Maintaining Safety Switch in Domestic Buildings

What is a Safety Switch and why should in be maintained in your domestic building?

safety switch is an essential component of your switchboard to keep you, your staff, and guests safe when using electronic devices. A safety switch attaches to your circuit breaker and serves as an additional layer of protection. This is done by monitoring the flow of electricity and then detecting any fluctuations in electrical currents occurring through the circuits. If this is the case, the safety switch will then automatically shut off your power.

For example, one of your employees is using their computer and they accidentally spill their coffee onto the powerboard that has many of the computers and monitors plugged in. This could lead to an electric shock. A safety switch will automatically switch off any power, keeping your employees safe. While this scenario may not seem that common, these things happen.

In accordance with Queensland legislation, all workplaces, offices, and commercial buildings are required by law to ensure any electrical equipment used at the workplace is not used to perform work unless it is connected to a safety switch and tested regularly by a competent electrician ([2] ES Regs, S107 – S109).

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